Higher Education for any student in the world are as important as basic important. It not only gives student to learn more about any specialization, but also makes understand student the practicality of that subject. Higher education in India means a degree learning and understanding more about a particular subject.
Generally we don’t consider on skill acquisition in India. We are totally focused on theoretical part of education. This has been an issue. This issue causes a lot of students to be inferior while telling about their SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats).
Having the ability to distinguish and deal with issues in an appropriate way is beneficial for both personal and professional activities. This course teaches you basic reasoning skills no matter what you're learning, from how to approach a scholarly thesis to how to operate a motor.
Higher Education in India needs to be emphasized in a good way. The matter is that it should not be limited to only getting a degree and getting a job. students should get better oppourtunities in every feild, it may be in arts and crafts or animations etc.
Study hard what interests you the most in the most undisciplined, irreverent and original manner possible